Well let's see:
I grew up in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Then I did my undergraduate work in physics at Penn State. After that I moved to California to work on a Ph. D. in physics at University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) .
In all I spent about eight years in Santa Barbara. After finishing my dissertation on Transport in ErAs Magnetic Nanostructures with Prof. Jim Allen, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Andrew Cleland's group at UCSB.
In 2003, I moved to Boulder, Colorado. While a visiting researcher in Konrad Lehnert's Group at JILA, I started collaborating with researchers at NIST, Boulder, and later joined the Quantum Sensors Project at NIST. We work on sensitive detectors for microwaves, sub-mm waves, terahertz, x-rays,gamma-rays, and alpha-particles.
While a graduate student in Santa Barbara, I started seriously shooting with a 35 mm camera. At some point I migrated from color to black and white.
After relocating to Boulder I began using a 4x5 large format camera. I quickly fell in love with contact prints and acquired an 8x10 camera. I now almost exclusively work with the 8x10, sometimes employing 4x5 and 5x7 reducing backs when a more intimate view is needed.
My approach is very traditional, but not historic: I employ modern lenses to get the sharpest possible detail in my prints.